Garden History Research Day – Tuesday 23rd April 2024

We have been chatting to our friends in the neighbouring County Gardens Trusts (CGTs):  Wiltshire, Avon and Somerset, and have worked together to organise a really brilliant Garden History Research Day – FREE for any would-be researchers out there! The details of how the day will pan out  are almost finalised, but in the meantime please put Tuesday 23rd April 2024 in your diary. The venue is the History Centre, Chippenham, which is extremely close to the railway station for anyone who might prefer to come by train.  There is ample free parking.

We have some speakers already lined up and the purpose of the day is to gently introduce the topic to anyone who might have an interest in garden history research. Absolutely no prior knowledge is necessary. We will have the opportunity to look at some interesting documents from the archives.

We will provide a home cooked lunch too, so what’s not to like?  No chilled rubbery sandwiches …! Places are limited – probably no more than 10 places per CGT, so if you would like to register an interest please let me know ([email protected]) and I will notify you when the date goes live on our website so that you can book.  

See you there I hope.